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Book Aid International is the UK’s leading international book donation and library development charity.
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         Send books, change lives.

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  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Book Aid. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Book Aid and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Book Aid social media pages, and help spread the word.
How You Can Help
How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Book Aid. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to
    Book Aid and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Book Aid social media pages, and help spread the word.
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Book Aid. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to
    Book Aid and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Book Aid social media pages, and help spread the word.

Keeping reading against all odds.

Lydia is a teenager living in a small village several hours outside the city of Mukono in Uganda. Her village is several miles from the nearest paved road and she and her family rely on their small farm for survival 

Lydia’s village is too far from a main town to have a public library, but it does have a small community library run by volunteers called the Access Knowledge Community Library. The library may be small, but it is a lifeline for Lydia, who is an avid reader determined to succeed in school. In fact, reading books in the library has helped Lydia become class prefect and has dramatically improved her English skills. Now, she is first in her class.  

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These would be huge accomplishments for any teen, but Lydia faces more challenges than many students her age. Like too many women around the world, Lydia’s family does not always support her. She shared her story with our team and explained the struggles she faces when she seeks to access books and read.   

“According to me, I think I should say openly that my family doesn’t favour me. Because there’s a lot of stuff to be finished – a lot of stuff to be done. Fetch water, clean the house, do the gardening.  

So, if you’re talking about leaving the home – coming here to the library or going to collect books and taking them home – it means you’re going to have to make time for yourself [and not for the chores]. You first have to finish everything and prepare some time for you to read your books.  

My mum is understanding. You can explain to her ‘Everything is done – I am going to the library’. But my dad – Oh my God! My dad is a problem. He doesn’t want me walking from home to there because I am a girl. He is worried and feeling bothered.   

He says he’s always worried because of safety – but according to me it’s not risky! Even children that are younger than me use the same route to come this way – they even go beyond!  

The safety is just an excuse. He just wants me to be at home.  

He says ‘You shouldn’t go there, collecting books from there. Those books don’t help you.’ He doesn’t know how they help me. But my mum knows. She helps me go out to the library and get the books. 

My dad, he likes it when you’re always working – always busy. Not this stuff where you are sitting and concentrating on something – reading and reading! He only went to school a little. 

But for me, I love to read! In this community, it’s so noisy. My home is next to a club. It’s so loud with the music all night, but when I start reading I get so much into it that I feel like the environment is quiet. I pretend that I am not hearing that noise and it actually seems to disappear. If I stop reading I might notice the music has turned off, but I can’t understand when it was turned off or how! Because I am so much into reading.  

At home they sometimes get fed up of me and my books. I can read even though people are often shouting, mum is calling everyone, the TV is making noise, but I’m so much concentrated on reading. Sometimes it gives them headache!   

I have already read all the fiction in the library – there are not enough now! We need more so we can keep learning. For me, I am going to be a writer, so I must keep reading.”  

Lydia has overcome many barriers to get where she is today. She will have to overcome many more to make her aspirations a reality. We are inspired by readers like Lydia every day and wish her well as she pursues her dream of becoming a writer.  

Sadly Lydia’s story is not unique. Many women and girls throughout the world face barriers to accessing books which do not affect boys and men. As part of our Vision for 2020 we want to reach as many readers as possible who are facing marginalisation and discrimination. If you believe as we do that everyone should have access to books, you can get involved in our work using the options below.  

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39 — 41 Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 9NR United Kingdom 
T: +44 (0)20 77 33 3577 
E: [email protected]

Charity and Company

Book Aid International is a registered charity in England and Wales charity number 313869 and company number 880754

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