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Luxury Travel

Five charities tackling hunger in the UK

Five airlines launching new routes in 2023

A collection of charities are working hard to tackle food poverty, hunger, and food waste, and in doing so are bringing communities together. Their collective goal? For no one to go hungry.

This is a feature from Issue 14 of Charitable Traveller. Click to read more from this issue.

1. Feeding Britain

An award-winning charity working towards its vision of a UK where no one goes hungry, Feeding Britain supports a national network of 60 regional anti-hunger partnerships. Together, they help more than 600 local organisations – including schools, community centres, local authorities and social enterprises – by piloting innovative projects and sharing best practices for preventing food insecurity and bringing it all together into a road map to help the entire country eliminate hunger.

2. Fareshare

FareShare hates to see food go to waste, so redistributes surplus food from the food industry to charities who turn it into meals for vulnerable communities. It tackles both the problem of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of good food going to waste each year, and millions of people struggling to afford to eat, by helping to deliver healthy, nutritious food to the food banks, community groups, activity schemes and schools who work on the front line.

3. food cycle

Tackling food poverty, loneliness and food waste head on is Food Cycle, a
charity that provides community dining every week at over 60 locations
around the UK. The filling meals feed the hungry and give company to anyone who needs it, as well as use food that would otherwise go to waste – in 2021, 191 tonnes of food were saved from going to waste, and 86% of FoodCycle guests said the meals made them feel part of their community.</a

4. The Trussell trust

With a simple aim of wanting to eliminate the need for emergency food in the UK, the Trussell Trust supports a
nationwide network of food banks, and campaigns for change to end the need for food banks. The charity also carries out research; its most recent publication is State of Hunger, a landmark three-year research project into hunger and destitution in the UK that calls for the government to commit to ending the need for food banks.


A simple but effective idea, Hubbub, the charity that inspires ways of living that are good for the environment as well as for us, coordinates the Community Fridge Network, which provides fridges across the UK for local people to share food. Run by community groups in shared spaces such as schools, community centres and shops, the fridges store surplus from supermarkets and local food businesses, households and gardens. There are currently over 300 fridges; Hubbub has partnered with the Co-op to fund 500 by the end of 2023.