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Luxury Travel

Supporting children in Ethiopia to strive for a brighter future through access to quality education.
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We believe in the power of education to break the cycle of poverty by enabling children to learn, grow and access opportunities. Our interventions are aimed at improving the quality of teaching and facilities within Ethiopian schools and working with communities to overcome obstacles to school attendance.

How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Together We Learn. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Together We Learn and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Together We Learn social media pages, and help spread the word.
How You Can Help
How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Together We Learn. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Together We Learn and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Together We Learn social media pages, and help spread the word.
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Together We Learn. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Together We Learn and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Together We Learn social media pages, and help spread the word.

About Together We Learn

Together We Learn is a merger of two charities that have been working to brighten the prospects of children in Ethiopia for more than 20 years.

Children are at the centre of their work. They exist to help disadvantaged young people gain equal access to quality education because they believe in the power of education to break the cycle of poverty by enabling children to learn, grow and access opportunities.

How Together We Learn help

Access: We ensure access to education through the construction of school facilities that mean more children can stay in school.

Quality: We improve the quality of education through teacher training and provision of quality learning environments.

Wellbeing: We enable children to flourish through after-school activities and programmes supporting their families at home.

Our approach to providing access to quality education is holistic, as our experience shows us that there are many areas of need that must be addressed to enable children to make the most of education. We work closely with schools through our construction projects, teacher training and school links, to understand the problems they are facing and how we can most effectively help them.

We also work closely with the children, their families and communities, through sponsorship, after-school clubs and income generating activities, to understand the issues they face at home and how these impact their ability to attend or concentrate in school.


“If there weren’t these classrooms, we would be obligated to go to the furthest school to carry on in grade three, but now we have got a classroom and new teacher to learn in our school. We are arriving at school on time; we don’t like to be absent.”

We have been working with our sponsored families and partner schools for more than 20 years, our team have deep roots in the communities where we work and all our projects are informed by their feedback, so we can deliver projects that work for them long-term. 

Girls Education

“Firstly, I was less focused, lacking confidence, shy and usually absent during my period but now I understand why girls have menstruation and how we can make our school life easier.”

Every girl has the right to go to school and to access the same opportunities to succeed. Enabling girls to achieve at school has a ripple effect of positive change across communities and down generations. With our experience in education, we have seen first-hand the obstacles that girls face staying in school. Our girls’ education projects help girls in school overcome some of these obstacles and achieve their full potential.

Sponsor a Student

“If they hadn’t supported me through my education, no one else would have done so. I can’t explain the way they have helped me to change my life. If I hadn’t had any support my life would not have been like this. They are the light of my life.” Ashageru, a former sponsored student, now an nurse.

Every child should be able to go to school with food in their belly, school books in hand, and knowing that they have a safe home to come back to. We have been supporting students through sponsorship for over 20 years. Our model is designed to directly meet the needs of families to enable children to stay in school and reach their full educational potential. Sponsorship costs £19 a month and we send annual updates about how the student and their family are doing.

Get in touch


225-229 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DA

Charity and Company

Registered charity number 1165953.

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