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Luxury Travel

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Luxury Travel

Enabling, inspiring, and supporting children with cerebral palsy and their families.
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At Stick ‘n’ Step our focus is always on what our children CAN do and TOGETHER we CAN make a difference!

How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Stick ‘n’ Step. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Stick ‘n’ Step and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Stick ‘n’ Step social media pages and help spread the word.
How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Stick ‘n’ Step. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Stick ‘n’ Step and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Stick ‘n’ Step social media pages and help spread the word.

What is Stick 'n' Step?

Stick ‘n’ Step is a charity that enables, inspires, and supports children with cerebral palsy and their families. We support children and young people with cerebral palsy up to the age of 25 through the provision of free weekly conductive education (CE) sessions. Our sessions are delivered by highly skilled professionals from our specialist centres in Wallasey and Runcorn and are designed to help each child reach their personal potential in terms of mobility, confidence, and independence.

Why choose Stick 'n' Step?

Stick ‘n’ Step receives no government funding, we rely greatly on supporters. The sponsorship money raised will help to fund and deliver our services to over 100 families across the North West each year. Each child’s place costs £7,000 per year.

At Stick ‘n’ Step our focus is always on what our children CAN do and TOGETHER we CAN make a difference!

Get in touch


Stick ‘n’ Step, 3 Croxteth Ave, Wallasey CH44 5UL


Registered charity number 1136997. 

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