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Lizzi’s Luxury Edit: How to avoid mass tourism

It is of great concern that many popular tourist sights are being ruined by mass tourism. Steps are already being taken to limit the number of tourists to certain places. Too many visitors mean there is the risk of damaging ancient sites and monuments, landscapes, and disturbing wildlife.

Venice is about to introduce a tourist tax and has banned all cruise ships from entering Venice. I have been horrified to see hordes of people queuing up to cross the tiny bridges that are dotted all over this beautiful city. Surely, there can be little pleasure in sharing your experience with hundreds of other tourists and the noise a large crowd of people generates. These special places are meant to be enjoyed in peace, with time to reflect and wonder, rather than being moved on in a hurry.

Assuming you agree, what choice do you have? You do have options, especially as a luxury traveller.

I had the Taj Mahal practically to myself, even took a picture of myself on the “Lady Diana” bench, without another soul in the picture, as I had booked with a very good guide, as part of a package booked in the UK. These guides have special privileges, are allowed access before the sights open to the general public, and they will wave you through, without the need to queue, even. It makes for a much superior experience.

Again, at Siem Reap, I was taken to areas most people do not know about, through entrances only available if you have booked through an excellent tour company. They know which sights are best visited at certain times, in order to avoid the crowds. I saw the fabulous ruins with a private guide, no one else around. It was so worth it.

As part of an educational trip, I experienced the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia in exactly the way I would NOT want my clients to. We went aboard a large, state-of-the-art vessel, but there were over a hundred people on board and when we actually got into the water, all I could see were other people swimming around me. Evidence of the damage mass tourism has done to the reef was enough to make you weep. There was not much marine life in the area we visited, and the coral was dying. For my luxury clients, I send them on private boats, and they are taken to areas chosen for their beauty and tranquillity. Yes, you pay a bit more for this experience, but it is worth every penny.

I just experienced snorkelling on the world’s second largest barrier reef in Belize and here you do not have the crowds and the marine life is stunning, as you would expect it to be. No mass tourism here and the guides visit each dive site on a rota basis, allowing each reef to rest.

Also in Belize, there are a couple of fantastic Maya ruins. We had the run of the place and time to imagine it as it once was, without being rushed around. It was magical. Our guide was telling us that in Chichen Itza, Mexico, the crowds are horrendous, and you can no longer climb the ruins. The famous Inca Trail at Machu Picchu is also very overcrowded, and numbers are shortly to be restricted. Same with the Great Wall of China. A private guide will take you to less crowded areas of the wall.

By paying for a private guide and paying entrance fees to sites, you will be helping to preserve ancient sites for future generations to enjoy. You can also get involved with conservation projects.

The danger to wildlife is obvious if too many people are visiting rare animals in their natural habitats. Who would want to see the Big Five aboard a coach, followed by countless other coaches, all vying for the best spot to get the best view of a poor lion, probably terrified out of its wits? As luxury travellers, you can benefit from the use of a private safari vehicle, with a knowledgeable guide who will take you to quiet areas and allow you to respectfully view the wildlife without leaving any footprint.

Another consideration is to try to avoid travelling during peak times if you can. Airfares are cheaper, the crowds have gone, and it makes for a much more relaxed and enriching experience.

So, always ask me for options: better times to visit places to avoid the crowds, alternatives to places experiencing mass tourism and more civilised ways to visit popular areas, using expert guides who practise responsible tourism.

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