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Luxury Travel

Building a more sustainable future for all.
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How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Communities for Nature. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Communities for Nature and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Communities for Nature social media pages and help spread the word.
How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Communities for Nature. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Communities for Nature and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the Communities for Nature social media pages and help spread the word.

Who We Are

We are Communities for Nature. We match communities at the frontline of conservation with forward-thinking corporate supporters to build a more sustainable future for all. 

We provide communities with the support they need in their fight against environmental degradation that threatens their very existence. 

We give corporations and individuals the opportunity to make a profound impact on communities ravaged by the impacts of climate change. 

Why Support Us?

Communities for Nature offers a unique opportunity to make a direct, positive impact on vulnerable communities worldwide. By partnering with us, corporations and individuals not only demonstrate their commitment to nurturing the planet but also become instrumental in lifting people out of poverty and improving their quality of life.


  1.  Connect corporate entities and individuals looking to take direct action on biodiversity, conservation or sustainable development – with communities and established NGOs to co-create unique solutions that tackle conservation and environmental challenges. 
  2.  Facilitate effective environmental education, conservation, and regeneration that brings forth actual change. Communities develop a deeper understanding of their coexistence with wildlife and businesses maximising their impact. 
  3. Promote sustainable economic activity that enables communities to pursue activities that generate income. This nurtures people and nature – providing the next generation with the skills to create a better world for all.

Get in touch


Registered charity number 1204810. 

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