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Fighting for a future where no child dies of neuroblastoma or suffers due to its treatment.  
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Solving Kids’ Cancer is a huge-hearted, child-focussed and family led UK charity committed to finding a future where no child dies of neuroblastoma or suffers due to its treatment.  

How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Solving Kids Cancer. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Solving Kids Cancer and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the
    Solving Kids Cancer social media pages, and help spread the word.
How You Can Help
How You Can Help
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Solving Kids Cancer. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Us‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Solving Kids Cancer and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the
    Solving Kids Cancer social media pages, and help spread the word.
  1. Simply book your next holiday with Charitable Travel and tell us you want to support Solving Kids Cancer. The charity will then benefit from the free donation you can make as part of the booking process. To read more about how this works, head to our ‘About Usd‘ page.
  2. If you want to make a donation to Solving Kids Cancer and you are not booking a holiday, click here to visit their website.
  3. Visit to sign up to newsletters, and follow the
    Solving Kids Cancer social media pages, and help spread the word.

Solving Kids’ Cancer is a huge-hearted, child-focused and family led UK charity committed to fighting for a future where no child dies of neuroblastoma or suffers due to its treatment.  

We do this in four ways:  

Family Support We are here for families of children like Isla, who are affected by neuroblastoma, providing support to them and their families throughout their cancer journey.  

Research We fund and initiate innovative clinical research, bringing more effective and less toxic treatment options to the UK for children fighting neuroblastoma now. We are determined to advance science and find a cure for future generations.

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Access to treatment Due to the challenging nature of neuroblastoma, clinical trials and treatments like Daya’s life saving surgery, can take place abroad. We support families in their choice of treatment option for their child and help them access treatment if it is not yet available on the NHS.

Campaigning We campaign and collaborate with the neuroblastoma community for the best treatment and care for children in the UK and beyond. We speak out for the children who cannot speak for themselves.

“The Lorlatinib drug trial [part funded by Solving Kids’ Cancer] has allowed me to live a normal teenage life. It’s amazing” 

Kira has been fighting neuroblastoma since she was 11 years old. She’s now 17 and responded very well to Lorlatinib – her latest scans have even shown a decrease in her disease!

About Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a rare and aggressive childhood cancer that affects around 100 children in the UK each year. Over 90% of diagnoses occur in children under 5 years old and almost half of children are diagnosed with the highrisk form of the disease. Treatment for neuroblastoma is incredibly gruelling and involves an intensive regime that includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplants, high-dose chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Around 40-50% of children diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma will not respond completely (this is known as refractory) during standard treatment, or the cancer will come back (this is known as relapse) after. If a child does relapse with neuroblastoma, their chances of long-term survival are less than 10%. Children who do reach long-term remission face severe and lifelong physical, mental and neurological health problems due to the highly toxic treatments used. 

Read more here.

Get in touch


Solving Kids Cancer, CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH  

Charity and Company

Solving Kids’ Cancer Europe is a registered charity in England and Wales (1135601), and in Scotland (SCO45094). It is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (7208648). The charity and company is currently operating as Solving Kids’ Cancer. 

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