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Five Charities Helping to Improve Children's Lives Around the World

From helping make people feel less isolated to removing the stigma of suicide, these charities are working to improve the lives of people struggling with poor mental health

This is a feature from Issue 21 of Charitable Traveller. Click to read more from this issue.

1. World Villages for Children

Working towards ending poverty through education, World Villages for Children addresses social inequalities and injustice by working towards ending poverty through education and improving the lives of the world’s most impoverished children and communities. The charity supports the humanitarian education programmes of the Sisters of Mary, which has established schools in The Philippines, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil and Tanzania for vulnerable children. Read more about World Villages for Children’s work in ‘A Day in the Life…’ on p59.

2. Hope for Children

Currently focusing on five countries – Uganda, Kenya, the UK, Sri Lanka and India – Hope for Children creates opportunities for vulnerable and exploited children living in extreme poverty, and believes every child has the right to a happy, healthy and positive childhood. Believing that the best place for a child to grow up is within its loving family, the charity supports income-generation schemes for parents so children have a stable economic future. 

3. Book Aid International

Wanting to reach as many readers as possible who are facing marginalisation and discrimination, Book Aid International supports volunteer-run community libraries in rural, remote villages throughout Africa. These libraries provide a lifeline for the many women and girls who face barriers to accessing books, and for all people to benefit from the information and inspiration books provided in building a more equal future.

4. Mondo Foundation

Mondo works in Nepal, Tanzania and India with people who face extraordinary challenges and no simple answers. Partnering with organisations on the ground, the charity provides access to quality education and small business support (with grants and training) to enable people to earn enough money to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

5. Better Lives Foundation

Through free quality medical care and education sponsorship, Better Lives Foundation (BLF) fulfils its mission of creating sustainable communities and changing lives. Operating in West Africa and North India, BLF seeks to break the cycles of poverty and operates the only hospital in Sierra Leone, Yonibana Sai Hospital, that provides free care for all, regardless of age.